Statewise guidelines for reopening your business in the USA amid coronavirus; Opportunity to start a successful local delivery service business in the USA with the best delivery apps

Many countries across the world have shut down their businesses and ordered people to stay at home and work from home if that is possible to contain the spread of coronavirus. The USA is no exception to this, as a result, millions of Americans have put out of work due to lockdown efforts and eagerly waiting to get back in the workforce.
As the cases began to settle, countries are looking forward to resuming the business and commerce activities hit hard by the virus. Both the USA government and respective state governors have taken unique approaches in developing strategies to relax the lockdown norms to restart the economic engines and released detailed guidelines for the same. However, this process of resuming commerce is happening gradually and non uniformly due to regional differences in the prevalence of the virus across the country.
For example, states of the West Coast, Midwest, and Northeast have formed coalitions in a regional recovery. Other states have faced a lot of criticism for already allowing nonessential businesses and in-person operations to resume their functions. While rests are yet to release any reopening strategy and guidelines for that.
Well, those states, which have released the guidelines have non-uniformity in it too. For example, in some states, masks are compulsory to wear, while in others, it’s only recommended. In some states, masks are not compulsory for customers, while in others, customers must wear them, too. In some states, employers are required to screen before shifts, in others, it’s required after shift completes, and in some, it’s not required at all.
This non-uniformity brings a lot of uncertainty to reopen the business or to start a new business or for the workforce to join the business. To help track the differences among the states, we have written this comprehensive blog on how every state of the USA has responded to lifting restrictions on citizens and businesses and how that brings a golden opportunity to start a local delivery business in the USA.
Statewise lockdown orders | |||
State | Order dates | Link to order | Official name of order |
Alabama | April 4- April 30 | Link | Suspend certain public gatherings |
Alaska | March 28 – April 27 (business can begin to reopen with restrictions)
April 28 – To be declared (social distancing mandate) |
Link | Shelter-in-place |
Arizona | March 31 – May 15 | Link | Stay home, stay healthy, stay connected |
Arkansas | None | N/A | N/A |
California | March 19 – To be declared | Link | Shelter-in-place |
Colorado | March 26 – April 26 | Link | Stay-at-home |
Connecticut | March 23 – May 20 | Link | Stay Safe, Stay Home |
Delaware | March 24 – May 15 | Link | Stay-at-Home |
Florida | April 2 – May 4 | Link | Stay-at-home |
Georgia | April 3 – April 30 | Link | Shelter-in-place |
Hawaii | March 25 – May 31 | Link | Stay-at-home |
Idaho | March 25 – April 30 | Link | Stay home |
Illinois | March 21 – May 30 | Link | Stay-at-Home |
Indiana | March 24 – May 1 | Link | Stay-at-home |
Iowa | None | N/A | N/A |
Kansas | March 30 – May 3 | Link | Stay home |
Kentucky | March 26 – To be declared | Link | Stay healthy at home |
Louisiana | March 23 – May 15 | Link | Stay-at-Home |
Maine | April 2 – May 31 | Link | Stay-at-home |
Maryland | March 30 – To be declared | Link | Stay-at-home |
Massachusetts | March 24 – May 18 | Link | Stay-at-home |
Michigan | March 24 – May 28 | Link | Stay Home, Stay Safe |
Minnesota | March 27 – May 19 | Link | Stay-at-home |
Mississippi | April 3 – April 27 | Link | Shelter-in-place |
Missouri | April 6 – May 3 | Link | Stay Home Missouri |
Montana | March 28 – April 26 | Link | Stay-at-home |
Nebraska | None | N/A | N/A |
Nevada | April 1 – May 15 | Link | Stay-at-home |
New Hampshire | March 27 – May 31 | Link | Stay-at-home 2.0 |
New Jersey | March 21 – To be declared | Link | Stay-at-home |
New Mexico | March 24 – May 15 | Link | Stay-at-home |
New York | March 20 – May 15 | Link | New York State on PAUSE |
North Carolina | March 30 – May 22 | Link | Stay-at-home |
North Dakota | None | N/A | N/A |
Ohio | March 23 – May 29 | Link | Stay-at-home |
Oklahoma | April 1 – May 6 | Link | Safer at home |
Oregon | March 23 – To be declared | Link | Stay-at-home |
Pennsylvania | April 1 – June 4 | Link | Stay-at-home |
Rhode Island | March 28 – May 8 | Link | Stay-at-home |
South Carolina | April 7 – May 4 | Link | Home or work |
South Dakota | None | N/A | N/A |
Tennessee | March 31 – April 30 | Link | Safer at home |
Texas | April 2 – April 30 | Link | Statewide essential services and activities protocols |
Utah | None | N/A | N/A |
Vermont | March 24 – May 15 | Link | Stay-at-home |
Virginia | March 30 – June 10 | Link | Stay-at-home |
Washington | March 24 – May 31 | Link | Stay-at-home |
West Virginia | March 24 – To be declared | Link | Stay-at-home |
Wisconsin | March 25 – May 26 | Link | Safer at Home |
Wyoming | None | N/A | N/A |
(Credits: Ballotpedia)
Some common restrictions in all the states of the USA:
The US government has divided the whole covid-19 period into 6 phases and declared the detailed guidelines for the individual phrase. Let’s see how they defined those 6 phases:
Phase #1: Uncontrolled Spread of the virus
» Definition of the period:
Where the number of new cases every day increases rapidly that likely to overwhelm the healthcare system.
» Businesses guidelines:
Only the work that is necessary to protect and sustain life will be permitted to operate.
» For example:
- Critical retail stores (such as grocery stores)
- Public transportation
- Restaurants/bars only for takeout, delivery, or drive-through
- Critical manufacturing projects
- Critical construction projects
- Food and agriculture industry
- Corporates only for critical workers
- Childcare for critical workers
Individual/social guidelines:
- Walking, hiking, biking will be permitted
- Gathering prohibited
Phase #2: Persistent Spread of the virus
If the region continues to see an increasing number of cases goes out of proportion with concern about health system capacity. Then, only the critical infrastructure will remain open, and lower-risk recreational activities will be allowed.
- Curbside or delivery for nonessential retail will be allowed.
- Golfing and motorboating will be allowed.
Phase #3: Flattening period
In this phase, the epidemic is no longer increasing, and the existing healthcare system capacity is sufficient for current needs. Then, lower-risk businesses can reopen given adherence to strict safety measures.
For example:
- Manufacturing with safety guidelines
- Construction with safety guidelines
- Outdoor work with safety guidelines
- Real-estate, but not more than 4 people on-premises at a time
- Childcare for anyone, who resuming work
Phase #4: Improvement period
In this phase the epidemic is significantly decreasing, and the healthcare system is strong with robust testing and contact tracing. Then, the additional businesses can reopen given adherence to strict safety measures.
- Most businesses and organizations can remain open throughout this phase under strict safety measures.
- Retail with safety guidelines
- Corporates may open, but remote work still required where feasible
- Summer educational programs in small groups
- Small group gatherings with social distancing permitted
Phase #5: Containment period
In this phase the epidemic levels are extremely low and the virus outbreaks can quickly be contained. Health system capacity is strong with the help of robust testing and tracing. Then, most of the businesses can reopen given adherence to strict safety measures.
- Restaurants and bars for dine-in
- Corporates can open
- Live educational instruction
- Face coverings wherever possible
- Increase in gathering size limit, but with social distancing
- All outdoor recreation will be allowed
Restrictions throughout the first 5 phases:
- Vulnerable individuals must shelter in the home
- Compulsory to maintain six feet of distance from others when in outdoors
- Individuals, who have confirmed or even suspected positive for COVID-19 must be isolated, and any individual with a known exposure must be quarantined
- Face coverings are required in enclosed public spaces through Phase 4 and phase 5
Phase #6: Post-pandemic period
This is the phase where the vaccine has developed, so the community spread is not expected to return because of sufficient community immunity and availability of treatment, then the economy will fully be reopened with some lasting safety requirements.
Business opportunity with easing lockdown norms in the USA:
Consumer behaviors have shifted dramatically in the USA due to the pandemic, untold weeks of a combination of social isolation, working from home, or not working at all.
The on-demand delivery industry has flourished in this situation, as they offer the service with comfort, convenience, and safety to the consumers. People have also realized the fact that, the delivery apps not only help keep them healthier but also help save the economy during the coronavirus crisis.
Now even the USChanmber is admitting the fact that delivery services are not going to end with the pandemic, but it is the 2nd most industry that will flourish post-pandemic, following cleaning services. Contactless solutions of the on-demand industry will replace the traditional high-touch activities, even concerts, and fitness.
How Coruscate can help you to develop a local delivery app?
Coruscate is the leading software development company and having footprints on almost every leading global markets. We have delivered a vast number of on-demand solutions, that help us understand the changing market scenarios, how it works, what users are interested in, and deliver engaging as well as highly experiential solutions, that allow businesses to survive in these tough times.
If you have any on-demand delivery app idea but you are unsure about its viability, we can help you validate the idea and its marketability.
We offer end-to-end app services, which include planning, strategizing, testing, and deployment. We optimize your application for the app store.
Contact us now, to have a personalized quote and live app demo for your idea.