
On Demand Cleaning app development: Double your cleaning business revenue in 5 easy steps

On Demand Cleaning app development: Double your cleaning business revenue in 5 easy steps

It is known to everyone that currently, online business is more likely to be profitable than the offline business. According to the data, 51% of Americans and 67% millennials prefer to book or buy goods including different on-demand services online rather than going in the brick mortar store.

However, starting an online business can be tricky. It holds a higher risk and many business challenges such as mobile app development, cutthroat competition, user acquisition, business model crafting, and marketing strategy.

Talking specifically about on-demand cleaning app business, the market possibility is growing at the speed of rocket but at the same time, it urges business owners to be very aware of the things which can go terribly wrong and mess up the whole business planning.

Thus, looking at the urgency, we will discuss the 5 easy steps you can follow to develop and start making a profit from the on-demand cleaning app successfully. But before it, let’s first know the ways you can derive benefits from the on-demand cleaning app. 

Reasons why you need to develop an on-demand cleaning app? Or, Why you should take your cleaning business online?

Unlike the entrepreneurs, if you have been doing your cleaning business in the traditional way where a very few customers get to know about the services you offer and then they call you to book your service, you need to change the way of doing very profitable yet old-fashioned business right now. Why? Let’s find out.

(Extended) Market reach

Needless to say that an online business has many ways to promote its products or services. Whereas, an offline business get only those customers who accidentally notice the brick mortar store of that business and get thrilled to be involved in a boring business!

Moreover, a mobile app or online presence of your cleaning business is very important if some day you wish to expand your business to another city or country. In fact, it can help you to establish your business in the new business landscape with a low budget and very less effort.

(24/7, 365 days) Availability

Only a few businesses like grocery stores and fast-food restaurants can manage to offer 24-hour service. For the rest of the businesses, it needs an exceptional amount of additional resources to keep their stores open for 24 hours and so, they miss out a lot of business opportunities.

In such a situation, a mobile app comes to aid. It allows users to book the services or to buy the goods even after the business hours.

Talking about the app-enabled cleaning business, you will get more business as people can book the cleaning service even when there is no customer executive available to pick up the phone. That means you can run your cleaning business 24 hours with less human resources.

(Best) Customer service

Customer service is perhaps the most fundamental business process for both online and offline business. Thus you always need to pay heed at the way of providing customer service.

In the offline cleaning business, the whole conversation between customer and cleaner relies only on call or text. If a customer requires to reschedule the appointment or cancel it, he needs to call the cleaner which wastes a lot of time. Additionally, solving a customer query is also an arduous activity in the offline cleaning business.

In contrast, a cleaning mobile app-enabled cleaning business lets customers reschedule or cancel the appointment with just a few clicks. A business owner can also solve the query of customers in lesser time and in the best possible way.

Following are some more benefits of having cleaning mobile app for cleaning business.


  • No need to buy business property
  • less business operational cost
  • Work from anywhere
  • Increase the efficiency of business
  • Easy to run a marketing campaign

After knowing the reasons, if you now believe in the potential of developing a cleaning app for your cleaning business, follow these 5 steps to develop a cleaning app and deploy it in the market successfully. But before that, understand the different types of cleaning app. 

Types of cleaning app

There are mainly three types of cleaning app. We, as a leading cleaning app development company, recommend you to analyze the business goals and resources before choosing that one type of cleaning app you want to develop.

» Uber-like cleaning app

Uber-like cleaning app is the most popular type of cleaning app. It works like the Uber where like drivers, different cleaners are registered to provide cleaning service.

» Single-purpose cleaning app

The single purpose cleaning app is developed only for the business owner of a cleaning business. This type of cleaning app accommodates only one service which is cleaning.

» A multi-purpose cleaning app

The multi-purpose cleaning app is equipped with additional services like plumbing, interior painting, electrical and many more.

So, now when you know about the types of cleaning app, let’s move ahead and discuss the top 5 steps to double your cleaning business revenue with a tiny cleaning app.

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5 steps to develop the best cleaning app and deploy it in the market, successfully

As discussed, starting an online cleaning business or developing cleaning mobile app can be tricky. Small failure whether it is related to cleaning app development or even related to post app launch strategy can badly affect your financial goal.

However, after studying the success story of best cleaning apps, our team of business experts has documented a 5-step strategy to be successful and profitable with a cleaning mobile app.

» Market research

Studying the competitors, their business models, their customer acquisition technique and user behaviors define the fate of any business. Proper market research reveals all about competitors and users which you can later use to grow your business. It also discloses whether your idea will fit into the market or not.

On top of this, market research exhibits the ‘areas of improvement’ of your competitors. In the past, many new companies surpass some already-established companies by putting the concept of ‘areas of improvement’ in the action.

Areas of improvement tell where your competitors are lacking behind. So, once you find areas of improvement of your competitors, you can give a chance to their customers to use your service by providing those services which they aren’t offering in their cleaning apps.

For market research, you can opt for surveys, personal interviews, observations, and field trials techniques.

And to know the areas of improvement of your competitors, follow these 4 simple steps.

  • Make a list of top 5 competitors
  • Read their blogs, case studies, social media posts, press release, and FAQs to know more about their services.
  • Write down their business processes, stakeholders, revenue streams, cost structure, and app features.
  • Employ your mind and find out which processes or services of your competitors can be improved.

You can even seek free help from our business experts who are just a click away.

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Business model crafting

Once you are done with market research, another thing needs your attention is the business model crafting. Here, before discussing any further, I want to encourage you to craft a business model by filling the whole business model canvas rather than just writing down the money sources.

By filling the business model canvas, you can get clued up about the problems, for whom you are solving those problems, ways to create customer values, revenue streams, cost structure, and resources.

Following are a few ways you can generate revenue from a cleaning app.

  • The major source of income is the commission you take from the amount customer pays to the cleaner.
  • You can sell your online space for the advertisement purpose.
  • Offer premium and express services and charge more.
  • In addition to cleaning, introduce many more services.
  • Charge based on per square meter instead of the number of rooms
  • Make a different cost structure for the bathroom cleaning and steam cleaning as it requires more hours
  • Charge based on the types of property; if it is an apartment, charge a few bucks extra as you need to carry cleaning equipment to the customer’s floor which cost time and effort.
  • Considering the fact that chemicals to clean oven is very costly, oven cleaning should be treated differently.


» Cleaning app development

The result of market research with competitive analysis and business model crafting can be seen in the cleaning app. It connects customers with cleaners and with different services. User can book, edit or cancel the appointment for any service through the app. User can even track the service provider and pay for the service from the same app.

Thus, you need to scratch your head hard before deciding the number of features you wish to add into the app.

Deciding the number of features or building a feature set is very crucial as the cost of cleaning app development highly depends on the number of features you ask cleaning app development company to integrate into your app.

Following are a few main features, you should consider while developing on demand cleaning app


► User app features

» Sign up:

Welcome users by asking the least possible details. You can also enable social media to sign up.

» User profile:

Let users add a few additional personal details, contact details, and preferred payment type. The user profile should also contain a history of user’s activity with any already booked service.

» Service selection

If you are going for multi-purpose cleaning app, all services which you are offering should be presented on the home screen itself. If possible, add a description of each service.

» Book appointment

Your app should have a module which allows users to book an appointment for services including cleaning service. While booking the appointment, ask them to answer a few necessary questions to share the quote with them. When possible, ask users to upload the picture of rooms, kitchen, oven, bathroom to offer a more personalized quote.

Here, if you want to go a mile extra, you can ask users to select the preferred service provider from the list of available service providers.

» Payment

Once a user accepts the quote, makes him land on the payment page where he can pay via different payment methods.

» Service providers’ profile

Users can know the rating of service providers, including other users’ reviews, their speaking languages, the result of a police check and character certificate.

» Tracking and notification

On the day of service, let users track the service providers, or, notify him with the current status of the service provider.

» Inbuilt chat feature

If a user comes across any query, your app should have an inbuilt chat feature which enables users to talk with a service provider or even customer executive.

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► Cleaners or service providers’ app features

» Sign up

Like users, let service providers sign up in a very hassle-free way. However, don’t forget to ask for their character certificate and police check report while signing up.

» Profile

The profile of cleaners should contain personal details with the earning report, past jobs, active jobs, and future jobs.

» Accept or decline the job

Whenever the service provider gets the job request, allows him to either accept the request or decline the request. If he accepts the request, shows him the details of the customer.

» Inbuilt chat feature

Like users, service providers should have the option to connect with a customer or customer executive without leaving the app.

» Market launch

After cleaning app development company delivers the next-gen cleaning app to you, it is time to launch it in the market. But hold on! Market launch is the nightmare for every entrepreneur because during the market launch period the truth is revealed; you come to know whether your idea to develop cleaning app is worthy or not.

In the past, many companies misfired the opportunity to conquer the market just because of a poor market launch strategy.

Following are a few steps you can follow to not goof up the market launch of a cleaning app.


  • Divide the market launch strategy into two parts, pre-launch strategy, and post-launch strategy.
  • During the pre-launch period, test your app well. It should be 100% error-free before hitting the market.
  • Start the marketing campaign. Here, the market research you did at the beginning helps you to make your marketing campaign efficient.
  • Create FAQs.
  • You need to acquire customers before you have customers. Thus, using different mediums, tell people how your cleaning app is different than other apps and create zest in their mind.
  • Don’t forget to keep an eagle eye on your competitors.
  • If you are a startup, launch your app in a limited market. Also, opt for MVP to reduce the risk.
  • Offer an initial discount or referral code to build initial customer groups.
  • After you launch your app, put emphasis on user engagement.
  • Keep them engaged by offering discounted services and many other benefits.
  • Don’t be lazy to provide pleasant customer service.
  • Ask users for feedback and keep rolling out updates.
  • Again, don’t forget to keep an eagle eye on your competitors!


Customer service and admin panel features for On demand cleaning app development

Will you continue using the service of some company which never provides service on time and never solves the query before you suffer? No, right? So, how can you assume that your users will continue using your cleaning service even if they are not rewarded with the best customer service?

Here it is worth to mention that, an admin panel plays a significant role to make sure the users get everything they want, on time. 

Following are the features of an admin panel which never let users uninstall your cleaning app.

» Heat map

The heat map shows the areas with high demand. So, you as an admin can deploy more service providers to those areas and as a result, users don’t get disappointed to not have any service provider available in their areas.

» Job Panel

Admin can monitor each and every active and completed job. When needed, he can reschedule the job or assign a new service operator for that job, so that customer gets his service on time.

Customer query management module

Admin panel must be equipped with a customer query management module which shows all query of customers in the real-time to a dedicated team of customer service. With customer query management module, the customer service team can solve the queries of customers within no time. In fact, some customer query management module works automatic and solve customer’s query without human interaction.

These 5 steps which we have discussed in this blog can magically double your cleaning business revenue. These are the industry-defined steps and followed by all entrepreneurs. However, the major question is still unanswered.

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How much does it cost to develop a cleaning app?

Coruscate is the leading cleaning app development company which has already developed a robust cleaning app named Snap-A-Cleaner. This custom-built app triumphed the Australian cleaning industry within a few months of launch. To study the whole case study of it, refer the following link – SnapACleaner

If you want to checkmate the global market of the on-demand cleaning industry, we are your best choice. We deliver a feature-packed app at the price tag of just $10000 and within 45-55 business days. By paying only $10000 or lesser, you will get the following things,

  • The custom-built and highly scalable mobile app
  • An admin panel with all the features we have discussed
  • Code ownership
  • Legal and business-related consultation
  • Help to craft a business model and market launch strategy
  • Code maintenance

If you still have any query related to cleaning app development, connect with our app scientist and business expert Here.

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