
Want to start E scooter business in Luxembourg? Bird launches its e-scooters in Luxembourg + Create an App like Bird + How to Make an App Like Bird + Apps Like Bird + Develop Alternative of Bird

Start e scooter business in Luxembourg - The Race for Urban Mobility is still on! Bird launches its e-scooters in Luxembourg

The Race for Urban Mobility is still on! Bird launches its e-scooters in Luxembourg

By 2020, 60% of the population is anticipated to live in cities as per a survey in Markets and Markets. Another report in Navigant Research suggests that the global smart mobility market is forecasted to reach $25 billion by the year 2024.

As congestion increases in cities, the existing transportation like cars and buses are unable to keep up with the ever-growing population. According to the 2018 INRIX National Traffic Scorecard, Americans have lost an average of 97 hours in a year due to jams in 2018. The Americans had to pay approximately $87B, or about $1,348 per driver.

Every city and states are determined to solve their transportation crisis. With the rising concerns about the gas-powered emissions, micro-mobility startups like Bird, Lime, Mobike, and Ofo are arising as a compelling option to the prevailing transportation mix.

Micro mobility is nothing but short-distance transportation which is under 5 miles. Also, frequently, it is an easier way for the growth of bike and e-scooter sharing companies that are prepared to change the face of urban transportation.

People usually have their daily commute routes set within the category of micro-mobility and therefore, the e-scooters can become a great choice to opt for daily transportation. In the case of the US, the approximate percentage of the trips carried out within 5 miles is 60%

Authur D. Little’s Future of Mobility 3.0 states that numerous cities and countries have already accepted the regulations that will ban the sale of cars with petrol and diesel combustion engines. And in the long term, electric or hydrogen engine vehicles will be taking over the place of the vehicles running on gas starting with the Netherlands by 2030, Norway by 2035 and the UK and France by 2040.

China has declared the ban on production will start in the near future. However, the automotive automakers in China are expected to accumulate assets for new-energy vehicles (NEVs) equal to 10% of annual sales by 2019. And the percentage will be increased to 12% by the year 2020.

A new electric scooter rental plan has been launched in Austria in September 2018. The market for e-scooter is growing and flourishing each day with the launch of GoBike by Ford and Bird’s commencement in France, Brussels and Tel Aviv.

How to Make an e scooter App Like Bird, Develop Alternative app of Bird, Bird alternative app features to consider

E-scooters Sharing Business in Luxembourg

In Luxembourg, one of the e-scooter manufacturing startups Ujet has manufactured a foldable e-scooter that they claim to have designed for the cosmopolitans. They are launching the e-scooters for the Paris market in the Spring of 2019.

As we know e-scooter have spread widely in most of the countries around the world. However, it is the first time that an e-scooter app has touched the streets of Luxembourg. The popular American company Bird, which has already spread its wings in more than a hundred countries has now stepped in Luxembourg as well. The major countries where Bird is already operating are Atlanta in the US, to Berlin, Frankfurt, London, and Paris.

The scooters are accessible day and night. The company will be dropping 360 e-scooters on the roads of the capital as reported by Silicon Luxembourg. They also reported that Bird is planning to set up 40 so-called ‘nests’ where scooters can be found by the commuters. They have prioritized availability in Kirchberg, and by Glacis in Limpertsberg as of now. They are making the e-scooters available from 7 am until 9 pm. The newly introduced Bird e-scooters placed on the roads are expected to change Luxembourg’s driving mindset and help avoid city-center obstruction.

➯ A very silent arrival

With the requests for authorization going on for many months and there have been rumours about it getting more and more persistent. At Luxembourg, the authorities did not recognize the electric scooters as a means of transport. So, the launch of Bird bikes was a very modest one.

Although the city has many restrictions and reservations, it does not have any legal constraints to prevent the e-scooters from launching. Taking advantage of the gap that exists in the legal system, Bird has launched its e-scooters on the roads successfully for now. Until and unless the city officials find a way to establish some kind of rules, other companies like Bird will also be able to launch the e-scooters in Luxembourg.

➯ Tackling the sidewalk issue

The municipalities and people around the world had always been complaining about the e-scooters being parked on sidewalks and pedestrian areas. But to tackle these challenges in Luxembourg, Bird is relying on the Luxembourgish fleet management team in charge of the pick-up, dispatch, maintenance and “head-hunting”.

Bird had private individuals called “Bird Chargers” to look after the collection, charging and return of the e-scooters to self-service and they were paid a certain amount for the work. However, in Luxembourg, Bird is offering a premium service depending on the Bird Hunters who will be collecting the e-scooters outside their reserved areas. They will be in charge of checking the batteries and reorganizing them in the nests every day.

➯ A love-hate bond

Bird has recently launched its e-scooters in Berlin, Hamburg, Cologne, Frankfurt, Munich, and in Verona. Bird has chosen Luxembourg as the new European city to put out its bikes in the public space. The city of Luxembourg reinvested 2.8 million in its Carloh self-service car service, which concluded de facto, through a letter from the mayor of the City. This happened right when the startup Troty- self-service electric scooter service was expected to launch. Francois Bausch, the minister of mobility has recently announced that the highway code will be adapted to take into account the new means of transportation including the e-scooters.

Bird’s goal is very clear. They want to spend adequate time to prove that the service is capable of surviving the test of time. They already have a solid foundation and have recently raised funds around $275 million which brings its value to $2.5 billion.

With the Bird’s adventure, it has opened the way for many in-land and outsider e-scooter companies to try their hands in the territory of Luxembourg. As there is less competition as of now, there are changes for you to build strong roots in the country.

So, if you are ready to try out a new adventure, connect will us for your queries regarding e-scooter app development and we can help you with the latest infrastructure, tech stack and an expert team of developers to build an app to rule the hearts of people in Luxembourg.

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