Top Secret Behind The Success of Diet & Nutrition Apps Into Health And Fitness Category

The advent of technology has made our generation idle. Due to technology, the amount of physical work has almost diminished which is the root cause of various problems. According to a new study around 30% of the world’s population is overweight or obese.
These stats show that we are living in the dark times and the agenda of Health & Fitness is in desperate need of a push. You can see this push in the form of an increasing number of Gyms and nutrition centers across the world.
Gyms have been a huge success. However, everybody doesn’t have the time to join the gym. Moreover, some do join on the New Year’s Eve and then procrastinate for the rest of year.
For such audiences, the diet & fitness app is a savior. They assist the users to follow a proper diet and to keep a check on their calories intake.
To take the full advantage of the situation mobile app development firms have started to develop Diet & Fitness Apps. Some apps are already doing well; however, there are so many opportunities left for you to explore.
So, if you’re an entrepreneur who is looking to develop a fitness diet app, then this article will provide you with a guide and a professional’s nutrition tips on how to do it.
Latest research says, Americans spend about $40 billion on dieting and related products every year. And with time the statistics just keep growing. In the Application development industry, there are different applications aimed at fitness tracking and nutrition habits.
To make the user feel handy while using these apps, App developers came up with bigger mobile solutions. Hence, these apps can also monitor activities, add food logging and other specific functions that may come in convenient. Here question arises “why these apps for health and fitness are successful?”
- The best part of these apps, observing of the physical state is faster and easier than ever.
- Personal data stored could be easily transferred to a physician.
- This app provides the ability to access all prescriptions, diets, and individual workout plans with a simple fingertip.
Fitness apps provide their users with different features: results tracking, motivation not to stop, socializing, and even education on the topic. It’s like having a personal coach in a pocket affordable for everybody. Sounds groovy, isn’t it?
The performance features divide the fitness apps into three types of healthcare mobile apps:
- Activity tracking apps
- Diet and nutrition apps
- Workout and exercise apps
There are various kinds of Diet Apps available on AppStore and Google Play. These are apps which have a minute difference in their basic functionality.
Moreover, they cater to different target audiences. We’ve prepared a list of some apps which tops the chart.
Calorie Calculating Apps
As the name suggests, the main function of these kinds of apps is to count the calories. In this app, the user enters his/her goal which is usually the weight. Later they add other information such as their activities and the food they ate.
The fitness and nutrition app measures the number of calories absorbed, burnt and then suggests them with dietary recommendations.
MyFitnessPal is the perfect example of such an app. It’s widely popular and its 11.7 million users are its testimony.
Moreover, it ranks first on the Health & Fitness category in the AppStore. LoseIt! is another best diet app in this segment which has created a lot of buzz by its engaging design and interactive User Interface.
Apps For Meal Planning
These types of fitness diet apps are different from the former ones as they monitor the calorie intake of their users even before they eat. In such a diet app, users must fill data such as desired weight, diet, and food preferences.
The diet tracker app then creates a diet chart for a day, week, or a month according to the data filled. Diet Assistant and Eat This Much are the two apps which in this category.
Social Platform Apps
This is a social app that connects users with diet & nutrition coaches. These coaches provide them with suggestions and professional nutrition tips.
Rise is an example of such an app in which the user pays to the diet coaches and experts so that they can guide them to follow a strict diet regime and track their progress.
Diet & Fitness Apps For A Niche Audience
Most of the apps that we saw were common for all the audiences. However, there’s another approach to diet apps and the benefits of developing a fitness tracker app are numerous. These are known as special diet apps. It allows you to effectively narrow down your target audience.
For example, you can build a diet app specifically for pregnant ladies or diabetic patients.
Wager Apps
Money is by far the biggest motivation. What if you can lose weight by it? Betting apps are the answer to this question. In such a diet app, the user bets a certain amount of money that he’ll lose an amount of weight in a certain amount of time.
If they lose that much weight, then they get their money back otherwise, they will lose the money. DietBet is one of such app.
Does these diet apps cost much to developing? Let’s find out what is the evaluation of developing such Diet and Nutrition App.
Evaluating the actual cost of any application has always been a tricky job. Most of you must know that there is a number of factors which influence the cost of application development.
For instance: each of the features takes different time for getting fully developed and functional. There are app development vendors that charge on per hour basis, and there are also companies that are flexible too and also help with one-time cost estimation for a project. Plus, the cost of the fitness diet app also varies significantly based on the geographical location of the app development agency.
Therefore, you can find the best Android App Development Latest researchCompany and can collect quotes to decide where you want your app get developed.