How can you conquer the world of health and wellness with an app like or

Want to build app for your Gym business? In this blog read how Coruscate can be your partner to make like app for you.
Sam began hitting the gym daily when he attended college. After a few years, boredom started to set in for the treadmill run every day. Hiring a personal trainer was not very much suitable for the pocket. Soon, the dullness started to set in. After a few days, a foot injury left Sam unfit for running. Slowly, his health started taking a toll. Once he realised it, he began looking for other fitness options only to find various alternative workouts.
In a few months, Sam found a chain of fitness centers that offered workout sessions without traditional gym machines. It had boxing, prowl, mixed martial arts, animal movements, Zumba classes, and various other activities that were accessible to the members. It had many other advantages like he could book the classes via an app. He could use the same app for feedback and rating system and also some videos of the sessions that he missed. The platform and the app had used technology to help make the process of the workout much more comfortable.
However, just interchanging exercise machines for the yoga mat alone is unlikely to fix the notoriously unfit industry of the US. The rents in cities are much higher and entrepreneurs are burdened with a high amount of spendings. In the comparison of expenditure, the membership renewal rates and often very low.
There are many startups looking for marrying technology with behavioral insights. This helps in introducing new workouts and new kinds of subscriptions which can together move the needle to improve the state of affairs take people towards a healthy society.
About Cult:

The fitness Cult is a distinctive kind of gym. There are classes running for an hour in mornings and evenings. There are intensive group workouts led by trainers. All this runs on the app. The people who visit a Cult center do not find any receptionist or sales executives giving everyone a grand tour or trying to sell an annual membership. People can just download the app and book their free trial lessons.
Membership can be easily bought and renewed on the app. The app also allows the users to buys passes in a pay-per-class program. The lessons can be booked on the app and the attendance can be logged using a fingerprint scanner to let the app track your progress.
Technology is helping regular gyms to improve what they are offers. The payments of the gym are also digitalized and the new workout offerings and tech upgrade have helped in achieving a 15% growth in the rate of renewals. is a two-year-old venture of the businessmen Mukesh Bansal’s and Ankit Nagori’s. They are using technology to win the world of health and wellness. At they try to make it easier for the people to lead a healthy lifestyle across food, physical fitness, mental well-being, and primary healthcare, all through a single platform.
The platform intelligently blends four verticals that work together to guarantee the holistic well-being of their users. They offer physical fitness via, mental well-being via Mind. fit, and healthy eating via; in the works is, which is meant to provide personalized healthcare solutions. is different from that of the other players in the market as it drives its precautionary healthcare knowledge through appointment, coaching, and delivery, with a mixture of online and offline channels. This is made achievable through difficult technology and uncompromised customer service.
The smart technology behind the platform: How developing cult like gym fitness app can grow your business?
The application works as a gateway to its services. The company is leveraging technology to solve problems as well as to ensure appropriate and effective execution, as well as customer happiness.
For example, at Eat. fit there is a request prediction for orders, menu programming, and food delivery management. These are all machine-driven. The team performs complex technology developed in-house. It designates an optimal number of orders to its transport fleet to assure on-time delivery.
This demand prediction for orders has been machine-driven from the start itself. This forecast is with a huge number of data points being explained to correctly predict meal order patterns when the users search for it. These points can differentiate the choice of cuisine, time and type of meal for the four meals a day (breakfast, lunch, snacks and dinner). The options include vegetarian and non-vegetarian options and various meal types such as high-protein or high-carb, etc.
Menu programming stays intact by potential human indiscretion. The algorithmic menu programming reviews numerous layers of data to create menus that offer quality through the week across nutritionally balanced meals.
It particularly takes into account: macro and micronutrients in food elements, portion sizes, the pairing of food items, the demand of dishes, and much more. The algorithm also assures that there is no repetition of the dishes very regularly.
At the and the day-to-day services are fully machine-driven. Everything right from scheduling classes or allotting trainers for 400 classes every day in 10 separate exercise formats across 40 different centers in three cities. They plan another step forward to even plan what sub-routines and actions are managed at which stage of every one hour class. The customer feedback on a daily basis is handled through the app and investigated to make sure that unpopular routines are left out at the earliest. Trainers have their own app in order to track their choices, class records, workouts, their training and ratings based on customer feedback.
The choice of the place for a new center too is machine-driven. It examines a different number of data points, which include the type of locality, width of the approach road to the center, other facilities available in the neighborhood and every other thing that is developed in-house.
More about technology has always concentrated on developing and growing the offerings made by the app as much as attainable. The study of its focus is on balancing pace and quality is’s understanding that most services and technical frameworks should ideally have the same resolution.
There is another high-grade practice that follows. It uses actual solutions anywhere they are achievable. They do not reinvent the wheel for the hot code deployment, push notifications and managing web and mobile media assets. declared that it would help organizations like the advanced health and nutrition research and customer insights to improve product effectiveness, branding and positioning, and go-to-market strategy. It will also grant access to its own sales channels like the cult centers, cafes and the app.
The food categories that is contemplating to invest in include ready-to-eat snacks, nutrition bars, juices, supplements, dairy products, and ready-to-cook commodities.
Groups who wish to venture in the above area can apply to the incubator program in order to get shortlisted to rise to’s investment committee.
Building a platform like
Like Cure. fit, Coruscate has also designed a great platform which can help the gym partners to have the merchandise as well as help their customers with the physical and mental fitness right through the app.
If you are a gym owner or you are interested to dive down deep into the health and wellness regime, you can blend in the technology with us for your business venture to earn more profits.
You can connect with us for an app idea or you can even know better about the case study and ask a free app demo.