Angular vs jQuery: The Better Choice For Your Web Development Project

Why are we comparing jQuery and Angular.js, when one is a JavaScript library while the other is a JavaScript framework. There are times when you can use Angular.js instead of jQuery and vice versa, to avoid complexities in development and streamlined outcome. While there is a lot of similarity between Angular.js and jQuery, they are used for different purposes and are as different as chalk and cheese. However, there are times when you end up using jQuery when you could have done a job easily with Angular.js. Here we will talk about the similarities and the differences between Angular.js and jQuery, and when to use which.
Ajax function
Ajax or Asynchronous JavaScript with XML is mainly used for the data transfer between client and server, without having refreshed the page. The first similarity between both jQuery and Angular.js is that they both offer access to this function, though the way it provides access differs. Angular.js provides access through ‘$http’ module and jQuery through ‘$.ajax()’ function.
Support for animation
Angular.js and jQuery both support animation in their own way. With jQuery, you get a direct access to the function . animate() while, in case of Angular.js you have an entire library that extends support to animation. However, you should ideally use CSS to enable animation with ease in your project. It is simpler and easier than using either jQuery or Angular.js.
Adding templates
It is not easy to add templates to the jQuery if you don’t have access to ES6 or Babble. You would need to write a syntax for the function in order to access it.
While this is an easy way to handle it, it becomes complex and complicated when you have to use the same HTML function in multiple locations. You will have to repeat yourself at all points considered. On the other hand, the syntax is not highlighted, which means when it comes to debugging, you will face difficulties.
Angular.js makes things easy when it comes to adding templates. You have set directives that you need to use to add the templates, and it not just controls the code but also the layout of the template. The templates in Angular.js is a good mix of HTML and JavaScript.
You need to create three separate files in case of Angular.js in order to inject templates; however, once you have created these three files, you won’t need to create anything else, and it becomes easy to handle the files, as they remain the same through the project. Whenever you need to introduce the template, you introduce the file. This means you can keep up with the DRY model, and save time.
Data binding
The two way data binding that Angular.js offers, gives it an upper hand over jQuery. Using this model, you can directly modify the DOM as well as the on-screen HTML at around the same time when the user types and interacts with the model.
On the other hand, with jQuery, you will need to write a code that will help you do the same. With the two-way data binding in Angular.js, you can easily search and filter through a data list. There is a direct module, which you need to add and get started, in case of Angular.js. However, when it comes to JavaScript, to introduce easy searching and filtering, you might have to introduce a few lines of code which will in turn enable the data filtering.
Validating the forms
Angular.js makes validating the forms easy while, it is slightly code intensive when it comes to jQuery. With a simple form, you can access some of the greatest functions in DOM.
$scope.formName.$dirty: Boolean
This is true if the user has interacted with the form. This will become easier for the programmer in terms of coding and debugging and knowing if the user has interacted or not.
This is one of the famous and necessary functions that you get access to with the form validation in JQuery.
You will not get access to these functions with jQuery. You will either need to use a third party jQuery validation plugin or some form of coding.
Community support
The most important consideration is the community support that you get with both Javascript technologies. If you look through the statistics available, you will see that the community support for jQuery is certainly more as compared to Angular.js. Plus, you have more websites powered with jQuery, which is not the case for Angular.js. On Github alone, you have over 175000 websites that are powered by jQuery.
Dependency Management
This is something that you don’t need in jQuery, as you don’t really use functions that are named anonymous. You can always access most of the plugins in jQuery without having to load the library. To keep the project DRY and for the modularity, the dependency injection is a necessity. The dependency injection in Angular.js allows you to keep the files local and for the DRY running of the module. You will need it with every function or controller in your Angular.js project.
Summing it up
If you want to manipulate the DOM with JavaScript, then jQuery is your thing. It helps introduce a jQuery plugin or add functionality to your existing Angular project. On the other hand, Angular.js is best used when you want to develop websites from the scratch or you want to add advanced features to your web application.
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