
Android app development: PlayStore’s updated UI and app approval policy is exhibiting the urgency of well-designed and well-developed app

Android app development PlayStore’s updated UI and app approval policy is exhibiting the urgency of well-designed and well-developed app

This week, Google PlayStore has experienced two major changes – one is with its visual and another is with its app approval policy. These changes seem ignoble news, but they matter a lot for those entrepreneurs who are planning to develop a mobile app and kick-off any sort of online business.

Looking for android app development service and want to get it approved on Store?

In this blog, we will wrap our minds around those two recent updates and what do they mean to the mobile app development industry.

Update 1: Google PlayStore UI update

When a user opens any online window such as browser page, PlayStore, and an app, he gets lost as his eyes fail to catch what he is looking for in between poorly presented content and icons. This goof-up results in bad user experience and falling user rate.

But there is nothing new in it. None of the online windows is well-designed, except Google’s updated PlayStore!

Recently, Google’s PlayStore has been gone through a massive design change. This design change includes a cleaner look-and-feel, new navigation, and an easier way to see app information. They have relocated the main navigation to the bottom of the screen and distilled it into just four tabs which are Games, Apps, Movies & TV and Books. According to Google, their design philosophy of keeping Games and Apps separate has been helping them to serve the right kind of content.

Through the Game and App tabs, users can go into other sections which have also been modified, not by the look but by the place. They have relocated “For You” suggestions, top charts, and more within the new tabs.

As users move ahead, he witnesses more changes. For instance, upon reaching the particular app page, the user can now see richer app information and bigger call-to-action button (e.g “Install”).

In addition to all of this, Google has also introduced new icons – new uniform rounded square shape have replaced their old Freeform icons.


» Controversy over Google PlayStore design update

As soon as Google announced its new PlayStore UI, people started comparing it with Apple’s App Store. According to many online resources, it’s hard to miss Apple’s influence on PlayStore’s visual makeover. They are claiming that from the much cleaner layout to the new placement of the navigation buttons and page layout are inspired by Apple’s App Store. However, it doesn’t matter to you. The thing which matters to you is the importance of well-designed app and how you can derive benefits from it.

We, as a leading mobile app development company, always carry out a wireframing technique to come up with the best possible design of the app. Our designers are also equipped with enough cleverness to design the app according to the human behaviors so that you can offer the ultimate user experience and never experience falling user rate.

Update 2: Google PlayStore App Approval Policy

According to Statista, Google PlayStore accommodates 26 million apps which is indeed a great thing! But when quantity compromises the quality, it turns out to be a challenge, and Google has been facing it.

In the past few years, many android app development companies and entrepreneurs have uploaded several malicious applications on PlayStore. As a result, people started preferring IOS app development and the Apple App Store over Google PlayStore. However, Google burned the candle from both sides to remove such apps from PlayStore. According to Google, they have deleted nearly 70,000 mobile apps and 85 adware-infected apps. They even have imposed many rules such as building an app on the latest OS version. But it failed to purify the Google PlayStore completely.

Thus, they have finally decided to revamp the app approval process. Now, they will take more time to approve your app. During this time, they will analyze every module of the app and if they find anything unsatisfactory, they won’t allow you to upload your app on PlayStore.

Google though hasn’t declared the parameters to certify the app. But, according to our business experts and app scientists, Google would consider data security and privacy as the major parameter to validate the app.

While Google’s new PlayStore policy will undoubtedly restrict the unauthorized app to be live, it will affect the current android app development market scenario and app marketing strategies. Since Google hasn’t confirmed approval time, no one can say how much time Google will take to approve your app. Meaning, you cannot carry out pre-launch marketing strategy efficiently.

In addition to this, Google’s very unexpected effort to sustain its worthiness is going to disturb the schedule of the android app development projects as unknown delay in the approval process can make app owner and android app development companies wait to deploy apps in the market.

To survive in such an unsettled situation, Coruscate emerges as a ray of hope. Following are the very proven methods to speed up the approval process.

  • Before submitting your app, make sure your app doesn’t have any bug.
  • In addition to bugs, you are required to test the vulnerability of your app.
  • You need to prepare all the required information and design assets in advance.
  • Don’t do app store optimization to the extreme level just for the sake of higher rank.
  • Hire a professional technology partner who assists you with the tech aspects of the app approval.


How Coruscate can help you with android app development and get it approved within time?

Coruscate is the top android app development company which has developed 200+ successful apps. While our highly skilled developers and designers will develop your scalable and future-ready app, our business experts and technical experts will make sure that your app gets approved without experiencing a delay. In fact, our all apps have been approved in the first shot as we are satisfying the PlayStore’s submission policy in the best possible way.

So, if you are having any business idea and want to give it wings, we can be your best choice. With our rapid app development technology, we will develop your app within 45-55 business days and under your budget.

To share your business idea, validate the market possibilities, discuss the business model, seek legal help and develop android app, you can contact our app scientist and business expert.

Let’s build your own app

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