How On-Demand Will Pave the Way for The Post COVID-19 World and What Things to Consider?
COVID-19 pandemic has caused many nations around the world to enter lockdown. Despite the difference in severity, you could see that this measure was much needed to bring the whole situation under control, and think through another plan.
New Zealand is one of the few countries which brought the nation under lockdown as soon as it hit 100 cases. The severity of lockdown was high, and today the country boasts of eliminating viruses.
In PM Jacinda Ardern’s words, “We have the opportunity to do something no other country has achieved: elimination of the virus,”
She also mentioned how a team of five million, i.e. everyone in the country will be needed to keep the situation under control.
So, what was New Zealand’s strategy to handle?
Simple. They combined strong leadership with clear communication and absolutely transparent actions to lead the way towards zero infections.
Apart from this, the country managed to test well and was even able to define the source of all the people who were tested positive.
Basically, the country was aggressive towards wanting to achieve zero infected people, and ensure that they create a safe space for their citizens.
The New Zealand team for instance, before getting back to work, have introduced tech to help with personal separation and contact tracing. They have created tags to ensure this, which will make it easier to work, and handle the situation, both at the same time.
What did New Zealand Do Different?
- It relied on leadership. The PM communicated the issue in detail and also told the people of the country how it might affect them. the communication was so clear and factual that the people understood why the lockdown was essential.
- Healthcare was taken seriously, which is why everyone was told of the issues that could possibly occur if they were tested positive, and facilities were brought to the mark to handle this new situation
- The country has not just relied on communication and leadership, it has also considered science, factual information and taken help from technology when needed. For instance, contactless temperature screening is one aspect. Currently, the country is working towards making contact tracing easy.
- New Zealand sealed the borders till the cases went down, and is about to open the border connected with Australia. Not only the leaders, but also the citizens of the country abided by the lockdown rules. This made it easier for the country to overcome the issue.
Even if the rules are eased, there are a lot of things that need to be taken care of, and eventually it will help the country.
Technology is the way forward, which we have seen in the remote working instances. When lockdown was initiated, most people went remote but it was a difficult transition, and it did cause a lot of hassles, to even the most technologically dominant company.
According to us, on-demand is the solution to most of the hassles faced by companies, and even individuals. While on-demand is handling the COVID-19 situation to the t, it will also nurture the future of our nation.
Let’s take a look at why countries should consider investing in on-demand app development.
Why apps for delivery services are the future?
- Till now people were contemplating on whether they should take video consultations or not but, the future seems to be paving a path in that direction. For instance, during the pandemic, when the movement was restricted and you needed to confirm if you need to go for a test or, just get a routine check-up done, telemedicine and video consultations came to your rescue. On-demand doctor appointment apps engaged more than offline doctors could. In fact, the healthcare sector saw a rise in the number of on-demand solutions. Basically, on-demand offers remote help, has the capability of issuing remote convenience and can cater to remote needs. so, it thins down the geographical gaps as well.
- Convenience was the need of the hour. People could not move out but the groceries they needed could come home. On-demand grocery app solutions that offered both food, meat and vegetables helped a lot of people. The future lies in getting deliveries at home. This could also help with social distancing, reduce the checkout lines at the grocery stores, and help these stores combat with their core. In fact, it will also help grocery stores add new items, work on improving their core, and engage the customers better. Basically, with on-demand solutions, you have better chances at improving the baseline, introduce newer things for the customers, and engage them better.
- COVID-19 world has provided more meaning to on-demand solutions. From contact-less deliveries to ensuring the safety of the deliverables, the time not only catered to the needs expressed by the consumers of a product but also the employees of the on-demand solutions. There were certain best practices nominated, which helped people keep track of their needs. This will help the post-COVID-19 world too, as it will benefit in not just understanding the consumers better, but also targeting the right products for them
- Finally, the perfect match is one of the most important reasons why on-demand is likely to be the future everywhere. You don’t always find the right person to do a particular job or for any service-oriented need offline. Even with the best recommendations, they don’t suit your unique needs. that’s why you need to invest in on-demand marketplaces, where you might find the right match for your needs, and even find the person who might solve your issue.
Apps for delivery services that Saw an Acceptance During COVID-19
- On-demand Grocery Solutions
There is no denying that most people have opted to buy groceries from these apps as against going out and shopping at the grocers. However, the demand for this app will increase in the post-COVID-19 era, where social distancing will still be the norm for a while. So, you can invest in a good grocery app solution.
Amazon has been consistently delivering groceries to different parts of the world. In fact, while the world has come to a standstill, these grocery app solutions continue to prove to be an experience and offering convenience to the users.
Apart from Amazon, several other grocery app solutions have come to the forefront. AnyList and Out of Milk are other grocery apps that also intelligently solve the issue of ordering groceries on your behalf. However, they are not on-demand apps. Imagine, how cool they would be if they were on-demand too?
- On-demand Healthcare
We have already covered this part in a particular blog: On-demand doctor app. It talks about how on-demand healthcare app solutions are definitely winning the COVID-19 war. However, what it does not talk about is how it will boost healthcare in the post COVID world.
During the COVID, these apps are definitely catering to the uninsured, making it easier to access healthcare. However, when the war on COVID ends, there will still be people who have lost their jobs, have no healthcare insurance, and who need healthcare accessibility. The need for on-demand app solutions for these people has become essential.
Telemedicine is just one part of the healthcare industry that can go on-demand. However, apart from consultations, you can even help with medical equipment design, consultation strategy, record retrieval and others.
With AI incorporated on-demand solutions, you will be able to improve the opportunities made available in this segment.
- On-demand in Education
As soon as countries announced lockdown, education too took a backseat. Children who were engaged with books and studies had to stay put inside their houses with nothing to do. Soon, online classes were resumed but, it took a toll on parents and there have been instances where mothers have shared how difficult it is to go from offline to online in case of classes.
However, with a defined roadmap, on-demand education is not a faraway goal. In fact, you will see that you can ably achieve success with on-demand tutor app solutions, on-demand coaching and other app solutions.
- On-demand Professional Services
The on-demand apps for professional services will ensure the norms of social distancing and the norms listed in the post-COVID world when someone visits your house. Right from sanitizing to keeping a distance, the professional services will be fulfilled by people who are not only following the norms but also not infected in any way.
The company will also take into account contact tracing and other criteria before letting on the people to attend the professional duties. These apps are essential as people constantly need to get things done, and the trust factor remains a concern in the post-crisis world. As a result, trusted app solutions can assure the people that all norms will be followed and there would be a defined process.
- On-demand Streaming Apps
Yes, while social distancing is still the norm, you need some entertainment that can help you handle it capably. For those who don’t like books or have fallen in love with watching the books rather than reading them, on-demand streaming apps could be a potential and viable solution. you could chance upon the gaps that exist in this genre, and define a business idea.
Things to Consider for On-Demand App Development
In the regular cases, before the COVID-19, most developers were concerned with the features they would add to the app and other interface-related details. However, dimensions and thought processes change with the on-demand solution for the post-COVID-19 world.
- A Solid Roadmap: At this point, no one really knows when everything will go back to normal or, is this the new normal. But, when you are planning the on-demand app solution, you will need to consider the crisis situation, and get your app ready for all the possibilities. From getting the infrastructure ready to ensure that there is enough produce in your inventory bucket, there are a lot of things to plan. You will experience a surge in the traffic at times, and your app should be prepared for the same as well. The roadmap will define how you can get your app ready for the inconsistencies that exist, and even plan a way ahead
- Define the Niche: Choosing the niche is not enough, you need to define what the niche means to you, and how it will help you with your plans. You need to consider every aspect of the niche, from the target audience to their behaviour to their app usage concerns. The niche should be defined so clearly that even when you outsource the app development, the developers should be able to prioritize your niche needs and deliver the app
- A Solid Partner: you need someone who can understand the niche, stay rooted to your plans, and help you deliver an on-demand solution that exceeds your expectations, and matches the user’s experience needs. remember, a good partner will help you solve the inconsistencies that exist in the app idea and will prove to be an asset.
The post-COVID-19 world is still uncertain and unsure. There are a lot of discussions happening, At this point, on-demand is proving to be an opportunity that you should embrace. It will not only cater to convenience needs but also help people with their requirements. From offering on-demand education to prioritizing deliveries on-demand, there are just too many things happening in this world.
You will need to think through an idea that will match your requirements, and we will help deliver the solution. Even if it is a complex app idea, our team has innovators who can think through simple yet engaging app solutions.
So, get on-board with an idea, and leave the execution to us.