
Android vs iOS: Why iOS is Still the Winner, Even in 2018?


Ever since Google entered the battlefield with Android, the enterprises are fighting over the choice between the two operating systems i.e. Android and iOS for their app development. With Android being awarded an increase in the market share every year, and the operating system being made easy and user-friendly for the users, the battle is gaining momentum, and it is definitely becoming a hard choice.

Despite the rage in Android users, iOS continues to dominate the scene. You will find more global iOS users, and definitely an increase in the iOS-based app’s revenue as compared to Android. Some of the best examples that point at this

  • The Instagram app for Android was revealed months after the app was officially released for iOS
  • Nike was an iOS-only app for a long time. it is only now that they have revealed their Android version

There are several companies that have released an iOS-only app and have not bothered to move to Android. Many games are yet to be made available on Android, which is ruling the iOS world.

When it comes to businesses, their first thought is iOS. They believe that the launch of an iOS-first app will give them mileage and will also increase their revenue.

When you see all this, you wonder whether Android has an advantage over iOS? While it does, the operating system is not as stable and performance-friendly as that of iOS. Here we will take you through the points for Android vs. iOS, allowing you to make the decision.

1. Improved App Specification

When you are dealing with app development, especially gaming apps, you need to increase the specifications of the app and enhance the whole development process. From building interactive apps to including a high level of functionality, the iOS operating system allows you to include high-level specifications.

Plus, the devices and form factors you are working with is limited, which allows you to test the functionality. In the case of Android, you are dealing with multiple form factors, device specifications, etc. So, the number of resources required to support the level of functionality you are designing will be high, and this might increase the cost of app development.

It is recommended that you develop the app for iOS before you release it on the Android platform. Once you have a perfect app developed, and all the functionality designed, you will know whether or not it is possible for Android and would have a better roadmap for the development process.

2. High-Level Security


When it comes to app security, nothing beats iOS. Yes, it is the most secure platform and has been building in layers of security with each upgrade. When it comes to developing payment apps or data critical apps, iOS is the most preferred operating system. For one, it ensures layered security and secondly, it ensures cloud storage of the data, with restricted or role-based access.

Android is an open-source platform and is quite vulnerable to potential threats. While Android is slowly engaging in increasing the security level for its platform, the work is still under progress, and they have not reached the iOS level yet.

The app approval process for iOS is strict, while that for Android is not that strict, which means malicious apps can make their appearance in the app store, leading to a potential threat to your device. When it comes to Android vs iOS for security, iOS wins hands down with its layered security and reliability.

3. The Release Cycles


Android being open-source, is locked down by the several carriers and OEMs. This is why you will see that Android’s latest version is installed much later in the older devices when compared with the latest versions for iOS. They are definitely working on this, and you will see that Android P’s adoption rate is definitely faster than the predecessors. However, it is yet to reach the level that iOS has attained.

Owing to this difference, Android developers have to ensure that the apps work for the earlier OS versions too, which iOS developers don’t have to bother about. The iPhone users can automatically update their phones to the latest update, and start using the latest apps. The app development and release is faster for iOS as compared to Android, as a result.

If you want a quick launch and make life easier for the developers, try going with iOS-first apps.

4. Compatibility Issues


Apple tends to handle fragmentation better when compared to Android. Yes, when it comes to compatibility, Android has to ensure that the apps work on the different versions of the operating system, along with the different devices and resolutions. iOS, on the other hand, are not bothered by this at all. The different devices and the structure are all compliant with each other.

So, the developer is tasked with only the app development, and need not bother with compatibility. Even with the release of the latest device types and versions, the app developer is only concerned with releasing a feature-rich app. This makes the task of an iOS developer-focused and easy.

5. Enhanced User Experience


The Android devices and the apps developed for these devices are yet to offer the seamless user experience that iOS apps have aced. When you use an app on iOS and use the same app on the different Android devices, you will experience a lag in the user experience.

For the iOS developer, UX is the most important aspect of development, while for the Android developer there are several things that they need to concentrate on before getting the app developed. This focus on UX allows the iOS app to nurture better interaction and engagement.

6. Better Revenue


As discussed earlier, you will know that iOS user exceed Android users, which is why the revenue generated from iOs apps is higher. Again, the iOS users are ready to go with the premium apps, while Android users prefer free apps, which is again a reason for increased revenue with iOS apps.

Summing up


Apart from all this, you get better resolution and performance with the iOS apps. It is always a good idea to deliver the apps for the iOS platform before you start developing for Android, as you would have a plan and strategy in place for them.

If you are looking for a partner for your iOS app development needs, then connect with us at Coruscate, via email or phone. We will ensure quick services, high quality and end-to-end app development for your ideas.

Note: We do not make clones of any exact application, clone means to us is how better we can execute your app idea with existing app features and experience.

Let’s build your own app

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